Our Sunday services blend traditional and contemporary styles and are filled with prayer, music, and song... praising God and celebrating the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We invite you to join us for Sunday Worship. You can join us on site or on the livestream at 10 am, or view our recorded worship services. Our Sunday Worship Service bulletin and the most recent Worship Service recording can be found on the homepage of this website. Our other Worship Service recordings can be found on the church you tube channel.
On Sunday mornings, our church family takes turns in ministering to each other by assisting with our Sunday Morning Ministries. You can choose when you'd like to help as one of our greeters or liturgists, by hosting coffee hour, by helping with sound and video, or sponsoring flowers or the bulletin. People of all ages are encouraged to get involved and take a turn. Children and teens are encouraged to take part, too.
If you are interested or want more information, contact the church office at office@congregationalchurch.org or by calling 630-879-1999.
Children of all ages are welcome in our Sunday morning. We believe that it is important for our children's faith formation to worship with the whole congregation. They are encouraged to bring their own activities and even a snack. We offer Nursery care with consistent nursery attendants and church volunteers, all of who have had a background check.
Our children, age 3 to 5th grade, are dismissed for Sunday School during the worship service. Everyone joins together for Worship at 10 am and the children transition to Sunday School during the service. Our Sunday School lessons and activities are Biblically based to guide our students through the Bible stories, with activities designed to help the children grow in their personal faith.
We encourage everyone in our congregation to participate in musical expressions of praise during our worship services. For those who wish to serve, we also offer many opportunities to share the gift of music with the congregation. Please contact our Director of Music if you would like more information on our music ministry.
Our Communion service is open to all who confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. You don’t have to be a member of our congregation or our denomination, the United Church of Christ. The Communion table is open to all who acknowledge their need of Jesus, the Savior, and who sincerely seek to love and serve God. Children are welcome at the Lord’s table if their parents feel that they understand the significance of eating the bread and drinking the juice/wine.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month, as well as on other important days in the church year—Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday.
Wear what you want, what makes you comfortable.
We offer a wide variety of volunteering experiences for adults and youth. Please check our News You Can Use page, the Tower Newsletter and/or the church calendar for upcoming opportunities.
21 S Batavia Ave, Batavia, IL 60510