Congregational Church of Batavia


We joyfully invite children and their families into our community of faith as we nurture their love for God and love for others and encourage their development of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Children's Ministry programs are designed to be safe and caring groups. We follow our "only rule" of treating all as a child of God and learn about God and faith through various activities, including Bible stories, games, crafts, and group activities.

  • Nursery care is offered during Sunday morning services for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers.
  • Sunday School for children age 3 through 5th grade.
  • Wednesday Evening for children in K through 5th grade.
  • Special Activities such as Vacation Bible School
  • Childrens Choir
  • Participate in various community events such as Batfest and the Egg Hop
  • Family activities such as Park and Gym Nights, Advent Workshop, family picnics…

Our Sunday School classes are all Biblically based and emphasize God’s love for all people and our call to share "lovingkindness" with each other.

Vacation Bible School Children

Welcome to Sunday School 2024-25

Our Sunday School year kicks off on Sunday, September 8. We will begin this new Sunday School year in the book of James, exploring what it means to really love our neighbors as ourselves.  We will meet every week on Sunday, 10 am - 11:00

Sunday School lessons follow the liturgical calendar Bible readings. During class, we learn one Bible story from the week’s liturgical readings through a telling of the story and other activities to help us understand the story’s lesson.

Sunday School students attend the first part of the Worship Service and leave after the Passing of the Peace. On Sundays that we celebrate Communion, the students return to the

service. Otherwise, students will wait for pick up in the Sunday School room on the Education Wing’s lower level.

Our Sunday School is for children aged 3 through 5th grade. - For more information and registration details, please contact the church at

Midweek Meetup

Wednesday Youth Program returns on September 11! We will meet from 6 pm to 7:30 pm.

Our Elementary and Middle School students meet every other Wednesday during the school year for fun activities, mission projects, music, and learning about our relationship with God. This school year's meeting dates include September 11, 25; October 9, 23; November 6, 20; December 4; January 15, 29; February 12, 26; March 12, 26; and April 9, 23. We meet from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Register through this link.

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