Using Our Talents for Worship and Praise
The Chancel Choir sings at the weekly 10:00 am service most Sundays between September and June. The Chancel Choir is open to people who love to sing from 5th grade and up! Currently, we rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 pm in Paxton Hall.
For more information please contact Vicki Linich.
It is not necessary to commit to singing for the whole year – if you can only make a few Sundays and still wish to join us, please do!
Our church is blessed with men who love to sing! The Men's Choir sings approximately once every two months, rehearsing on Saturday morning before the Sunday anthem. If you are a man who loves to sing, consider joining us, even if it's only once a year.
Our church is also blessed with women who love to sing! If you are a woman who loves to sing, you can sing with the Chancel Choir, the Women's Choir, or both. The Women's Choir sings approximately once every two months, rehearsing on Saturday morning before the Sunday anthem.
Do your kids like to sing? All children ages 3 through elementary school are welcome to sing in the children’s choir.
Our children learn to sing songs a capella (without accompaniment) using solfege. What is solfege? Solfege is using "Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do" to learn music similar to how we use the ABCs to learn how to read. This clip from "The Sound Of Music" uses solfege at the 54-second mark.
21 S Batavia Ave, Batavia, IL 60510